"The 2019 EF English Proficiency Index, released in November, ranked Japan 53rd in the world, down from 49th last year, placing the world’s third-largest economy between developing nations like Vietnam and Pakistan. More alarming is the drop from 2011, when Japan had fewer competitors internationally and was ranked 14th" (¶10, 2019.12.09).
Enjoyable Testing that Works, Really - Language Magazine
"It is an assessment, formative or summative (your choice), with at least three tasks involving only one theme or concept (vocabulary, grammar, or cultural) and one of each of the three modes of communication: interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational. The three tasks are designed for students at their level of proficiency (novice, intermediate, or advanced). All use culturally authentic resources as well..." (What is an IPA?, ¶1).
Sunday, December 29, 2019
Diigo bookmarks (weekly)
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Diigo bookmarks (weekly)
What Teachers Can Do to Boost Student Motivation - Education Week
"Researchers have identified four specific ways to nurture a sense of intrinsic motivation in students. In this video series, educators and authors Larry Ferlazzo and Katie Hull Sypnieski discuss these elements: autonomy, which is helping learners feel that they have a choice in what they do and how they do it; competence, or creating situations in which students feel that they are capable of doing what they are being asked to do; relatedness, or doing activities that help students connect to others; and relevance, or making work seem interesting, valuable, and useful to students’ everyday lives" (¶1).
tags: autonomy competence education motivation relatedness relevance teaching
An evaluation of course evaluations
Stark, Phillip B., & Freishtat, Richard. (2014.09.26). An evaluation of course evaluations. ScienceOpen.
Bias Against Female Instructors
"New analysis offers more evidence against student evaluations of teaching" (deck).
Study attempts to debunk criticisms of student evaluations of teaching
A Taxonomy of Inclusive Design: On Disclosure, Accessibility, and Inclusion | EDUCAUSE
"This series will explore concepts, practices, and organizational shifts that are central to inclusive pedagogy in higher education."
tags: accessibility design disclosure higher education learning inclusion pedagogy praxis teaching theory
- students in our classes have all kinds of invisible circumstances that can impact their learning
- an accessible text is one that is clearly organized, uses an unembellished font, and incorporates headings to separate sections
- Online images should contain alternative text for moments when pages don't load properly or for readers who use assistive devices
- Videos should include closed captions or transcripts for people with hearing issues or attention/tracking problems, as well as for those who multitask
- inclusion means designing and teaching for variability
Moving a Taxonomy of Inclusive Design from Theory to Practice | EDUCAUSE
"This is the second post in a series that explores concepts, practices, and organizational shifts that are central to inclusive pedagogy in higher education."
tags: accessibility design learning inclusion pedagogy praxis teaching theory
Switching to Docs from Microsoft Word - G Suite Learning Center
Menu of instructions for Google users and collaborators leaving Word behind
tags: change tracking collaboration editing for readers for writers formatting file sharing
EdWebinar Resources - Google Docs
Resources from An Introduction to Universal Design for Learning
tags: accessibility flexibility learning resources universal design
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Diigo bookmarks (weekly)
EF EPI 2019 - EF English Proficiency Index - Asia
"Room for improvement: For decades, Asia has been the workshop of the world, fueling economic development across the region. But a transition from manufacturing to knowledge-driven growth will require better English."
tags: Asia Education First English English Proficiency Index (EPI) language proficiency
PIGATE's next monthly gathering: Dec. 14th, 13:30-16:30 - Google Groups
Sunday, December 08, 2019
Diigo bookmarks (weekly)
How to Review Conference Proposals (and Why You Should Bother) - Sarah Theule Lubienski,
Lubienski, Sarah Theule. (2019.11.20). How to Review Conference Proposals (and Why You Should Bother). Educational Researcher.
Diigo bookmarks (weekly)
How to Review Conference Proposals (and Why You Should Bother) - Sarah Theule Lubienski,
Lubienski, Sarah Theule. (2019.11.20). How to Review Conference Proposals (and Why You Should Bother). Educational Researcher.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Diigo bookmarks (weekly)
IPCC — Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
"The IPCC was created to provide policymakers with regular scientific assessments on climate change, its implications and potential future risks, as well as to put forward adaptation and mitigation options" (2019.11.21).
tags: assessments climate change environment global issues implications Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) international risks mitigation science United Nations
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Diigo bookmarks (weekly)
Why Teacher Autonomy Is Central to Coaching Success - Educational Leadership
Knight, Jim. (2019). Why Teacher Autonomy Is Central to Coaching Success. _Educational Leadership, 77_(3), 14-20. http://ascd.org/publications/educational-leadership/nov19/vol77/num03/Why-Teacher-Autonomy-Is-Central-to-Coaching-Success.aspx
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Diigo bookmarks (weekly)
Genre: A Different Approach to Academic Writing | Tomorrow's Professor Postings
Excerpt from Ch. 10 of Clark and Sousa (2018) Clark, Alexander; & Sousa, Bailey. (2018). How to Be a Happy Academic. London, UK: Sage Publications.
tags: academic writing approaches audiences genre guidelines rhetoric
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Diigo bookmarks (weekly)
How to avoid being sucked into the black hole of administration | Times Higher Education (THE)
"[M]uch more of the administrative burden is placed on faculty these days, largely because more and more departments are staffed by adjuncts and part-time instructors, meaning that there are fewer and fewer tenured faculty able to serve as administrators (a role that, coincidentally, involves managing that adjunct labour with virtually zero power to introduce improvements to its cruel conditions)" (The Law Governed Universe, ¶6).
tags: adjuncts administrative work faculty development higher education
How to Teach Students to Give Peer Feedback | Edutopia
"To make peer feedback more focused and meaningful, I’ve found it helpful to define quality feedback, provide structured routines, and teach feedback as I would any other core skill" (Gardner, 2019, ¶3).
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Diigo bookmarks (weekly)
Corpus linguistics in TESOL: Doing what works
Overview of corpus linguistics resources technology for teaching
tags: corpora linguistics teaching TESOL
Microsoft Word - 2011_08_10_newby_layout.doc
tags: formative evaluation learning portfolios summative evaluation teacher development teachers teaching
Teaching Portfolios | Center for Teaching | Vanderbilt University
tags: formative evaluation learning portfolios summative evaluation teacher development teachers teaching
tags: formative evaluation learning portfolios summative evaluation teacher development teachers teaching
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Diigo bookmarks (weekly)
Open Broadcaster Software | OBS
"Free and open source software for video recording and live streaming" (deck, 2019.09.18)
tags: freeware Linux live streaming Mac recording video production Windows
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Education at a Glance 2019: OECD Indicators
- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development [OECD]. (2019). Education at a Glance 2019: OECD Indicators. Paris, FR: OECD Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1787/f8d7880d-en.
Note: Though the OECD's embedding code generator failed to provide an end iframe component at any of the three sizees available (2019.09.18 [JST]), with a bit of code added, this auto-sized transclusion of OECD (2019) appears to be working in a preview.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Diigo bookmarks (weekly)
Larsen-Freeman, Diane. (2006). The emergence of complexity, fluency, and accuracy in the oral and written production of five Chinese learners of English. Applied Linguistics, 27(4), 590–619. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1093/applin/aml029
tags: accuracy complexity complexity theory Larsen-Freeman Diane linguistics speaking tasks writing
- DATA ANALYSES: Quantitative, ¶1
- from the vantage point of a complex systems approach, improved performance is not merely a question of a learner's enhanced access to his or her steady-state competence. A learner/user's language resources (competence, if you must) change synchronously with their use.
- Discussion, ¶3
- One of the tenets of this approach is that it is at the bifurcations or discontinuities, when the process is relatively unstable or chaotic, that the organism is free to explore new behaviors in response to task demands
- Discussion, ¶4
- We need to look at the ‘messy little details’ that make up the ‘here and now’ of real time. We need to take into account learners’ goals and intentions. We need to consider the tasks that we ask them to perform and to consider each performance anew—stable and predictable in part, but at the same time, variable, flexible, and dynamically adapted to fit the situation
- Conclusion, ¶2
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Étude 001: Linguistic proficiency
This post transcludes a Google Doc that in turn transcludes a chart from a Google Sheet.
Hopefully I can find a way to make the viewing window in this post wider and taller than it is.
For now, it'll be easier to read the doc. itself: http://bit.ly/Étude-001
Sunday, September 08, 2019
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Diigo bookmarks (weekly)
Strategies for Diving into Successful Grading Reform
In this article, Jay C. Percell outlined "issues at stake, address[ed] ... common hesitancies ..., and offer[ed] ... tips for success ... gleaned ... [from] 15 years of alternative grading" (¶2).
Evidence increases for reading on paper instead of screens
"[S]tudies point to better reading comprehension from printed material..." (deck). "[R]esults from 33 high-quality studies that tested students' comprehension ... showed that students of all ages, from elementary school to college, tend to absorb more when they're reading on paper than on screens, particularly when it comes to nonfiction material" (Barshay, ¶¶ 3-4). That is, without the extra bells and whistles that digital texts can potentially offer" (¶10). "Still, there isn't yet convincing proof that the digital add-ons improve reading comprehension or even match the reading comprehension that students can achieve with text on paper" (¶12). Barshay, Jill. (2019.08.12). Evidence increases for reading on paper instead of screens [online news report]. https://hechingerreport.org/evidence-increases-for-reading-on-paper-instead-of-screens/
tags: education learning online text printed matter reading comprehension research technology
Monday, August 19, 2019
A Perfect World Is One with No Grades
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Diigo bookmarks (weekly)
A Snapshot of Instructional Design: Talking Points for a Field in Transition | EDUCAUSE
"As recognition of the potential of instructional design to influence student experience and success grows, so do expectations placed on instructional designers themselves" (¶2).
tags: Educause instructional design
10 Student-Tested Chrome Extensions | Edutopia
All free or with premium options!
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Diigo bookmarks (weekly)
Senior Mosaic Fellows and an Evolving Approach to Faculty Development | EDUCAUSE
"Once Fellows graduate, they're under no obligation to continue with the Mosaic community. Most of these faculty members still engage with us; however, they often ebb out of and back into the community as commitments allow. The freedom from obligation enables Fellows to choose how and when they wish to participate with us"
tags: communities education legitimate peripheral participation
Sunday, July 14, 2019
Diigo bookmarks (weekly)
What Matters More: Skills or Degrees?
"Certainly, the soft skills of creative thinking, critical thinking, communication and leadership do not go out of date and remain in demand by employers. But the hard facts and skills of most of the disciplines are changing as technology ripples through the economy and society" (¶1)
tags: degrees skills soft thinking transferable
What Are The 10 Most Spoken Languages In The World? | Babbel Magazine
"When we count the top 10 most spoken languages according to the total number of people who speak them (whether or not the language is their mother tongue), eight of the 10 languages from the list above still make an appearance, but with a few major differences: English narrowly edges out Chinese for the top spot, Japanese and Punjabi lose their spots, and French and Indonesian join the top 10 ..." (Top 10 Languages by Total Number[s] of Speakers, ¶1).
tags: Chinese countries education English speaking populations French Japanese languages Spanish
Sunday, June 30, 2019
Diigo bookmarks (weekly)
Why can’t students recognise transferable skills? | Times Higher Education (THE)
"I’m now starting to believe that it’s not enough to tell students about the transferable skills that assignments help develop, because many students need our help to recognise how skills transfer in the first place"
tags: assignments course evaluations education higher education scaffolding skill development transferable skills universities
APA Tables and Figures 1 // Purdue Writing Lab
This page comprises general guidelines, a checklist, examples, and explanations about table structure, table types, and notes in them. The next page listed the APA Style sidebar menu (left) covers figures (see: APA Tables and Figures 2).
tags: academic writing editing for readers for writers proofreading plagiarism
Sunday, June 16, 2019
Sunday, June 09, 2019
Diigo bookmarks (weekly)
Introduction to Web Accessibility | Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) | W3C
Cover page for web accessibility content
tags: academic writing accessibility charts editing for writers formatting guidelines how to tables
Accessibility at Penn State | Charts & Accessibility
tags: academic writing accessibility charts editing for writers formatting guidelines how to tables
Sunday, June 02, 2019
Diigo bookmarks (weekly)
How to Publish, but Most Importantly, Why | Lamont | Sociologica
Lamont, M. (2019). How to publish, but most importantly, why. Sociologica, 13(1). https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.1971-8853/9384
tags: academic writing editing for writers how to journals publication venues for publication
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Diigo bookmarks (weekly)
The Z-Pattern Layout: What It Is, Why It Works, and When to Use It
Explains and illustrates an arguably effective landing page layout leading viewers to calls to action (CTAs)
tags: CTAs eye movement landing pages page layout web design
Sunday, May 12, 2019
Diigo bookmarks (weekly)
The 10 Vital Skills You Will Need For The Future Of Work
In this post including a 16-slide SlideShare presentation, Bernard Marr recommended "adopting a commitment to lifelong learning so you can acquire the skills you will need to succeed in the future workplace" (¶1).
Exploring Success in Tutoring the Non-Native English Speaker at University Writing Centers
This study examined the perspectives of both tutors at university writing centers and the Non-Native English Speaking (NNES) students who use the centers. Using qualitative methods, this study looked at perceptions of the academic writing needs of the NNES students, along with characteristics of tutoring sessions which made the sessions successful in the eyes of tutors and students. The study used interviews, observations, a survey, and artifacts to look at these topics and then compared the perceptions of tutors and students. Additionally, the study compared writing centers at two universities, one of which employs an English as a Second Language (ESL) specialist, in order to learn if employing this specialist affects success for the tutors and NNES students. Results indicate that student and tutor perceptions of student needs were similar in that they expressed consistent need for grammar assistance and help with low-order concerns (LOCs). Sessions at both universities were successful, according to tutors and students, if sessions focused on these grammar and LOC needs. Employing an ESL specialist did not affect the perceptions of students or tutors nor did it seem to effect the success of sessions for either students or tutors
tags: nonnative varieties tutoring universities writing centers
Sunday, April 07, 2019
Diigo bookmarks (weekly)
Teacher Resources | Library of Congress
Resource site recommended by Ms. Rosemary Schmid (Adult ESL and Academic ESL, Central Piedmont Community College, Charlotte, NC USA) for materials on U.S. immigration (TESOL AEIS discussion, 2019.03.30)/
tags: education immigration learning Library of Congress resources teacher development teaching
Sunday, March 17, 2019
Diigo bookmarks (weekly)
APA Style Blog: Computer Editing Tip: En Dashes (2010.09.23)
Explanation of when to use and how to key in en dashes
The Writing Studio Blog: Purdue OWL sports citation generator
New tool found on the Purdue OWL website
tags: citations citation generators Purdue OWL tools wink_students
Final version of flyer for March gathering
tags: applications English teaching free online teacher development tools
Online Video Converter - Convert Video to MP4, AVI, MPEG, FLV, 3GP, MKV, h264 or h265
One item in a large assemblage of free online apps (https://123apps.com/)
tags: applications free online tools
Sunday, March 03, 2019
Diigo bookmarks (weekly)
A project to inspire and promote long-term thinking
PIGATE's March Session: 2019 年 3 月 例会 (2019.03.09) - Google Groups
tags: academic writing formatting guidelines presentations for writers
- Her
A Visual Summary: 32 Learning Theories Every Teacher Should Know -
tags: education learning pedagogy learning theories
Sunday, February 24, 2019
Diigo bookmarks (weekly)
Six Tools To Create Interactive Learning Content On Your Blog
High school teacher Roslyn Green explains how she creates interactive content using six free online tools: Flippity, H5P, Playbuzz, LearningApps, Quizizz, and Tinycards.
Sunday, February 17, 2019
Diigo bookmarks (weekly)
Submission Help (2019.02.15)
tags: academic writing formatting guidelines presentations for writers
Highest Aspirations, S01 E16: Preparing ELL Teachers to be PD Leaders | Ellevation Education
tags: coaching ELLevation podcasts teacher development teacher leadership teaching
The Writing Studio Blog: Where to put presentations and how to find info. about sources
An open response to a personal inquiry
tags: academic writing blogs guidelines how to presentations resources venues for publication
What is the Academic 'Voice'? | Tomorrow's Professor Postings
"The posting below gives some good advice on finding your academic writing style. It is from Chapter 14 – Writing and Reporting the Research, by Gary Beauchamp, in the book, Doing Research in Education – Theory and Practice, edited by Ioanna Palaiologou, David Needham, and Trevor Male. Published by SAGE Publications Ltd , 1 Oliver's Yard 55 City Road London EC1Y 1SP. www.sagepublishing.com © Ioanna Palaiologou, David Needham, Trevor Male and contributors 2016. Reprinted with permission, all rights reserved" (TP Message 1697, ¶1).
tags: academic writing critical analysis description guidelines plagiarism resources voice
Sunday, February 10, 2019
Diigo bookmarks (weekly)
The Audio Edit Suite – e-Learning, podcast and audiobook audio editing
"the online home of audio editor & producer Rachel Jordan"
"This brief examines the practices of recruitment and selection of teachers in five countries: Australia (specifically, New South Wales and Victoria), Canada (Alberta and Ontario), Finland, Shanghai, and Singapore. It describes features that are unique to each and underscores themes that are common to all" (p. 1).
tags: education education systems teacher recruitment teacher selection
Sunday, February 03, 2019
Diigo bookmarks (weekly)
APA Headings and Seriation // Purdue Writing Lab
tags: academic writing APA editing formatting guidelines JALT venues for publication
Submission Guidelines | JALT Publications
For _TLT_
tags: academic writing editing formatting guidelines JALT venues for publication
Guidelines | JALT Publications
For PostConference Publication
tags: academic writing editing formatting guidelines JALT venues for publication
How the internet flips elections and alters our thoughts | Aeon Essays
"The internet has spawned subtle forms of influence that can flip elections and manipulate everything we say, think and do" (2016.02.18).
tags: Google personalization research search engines semantic capitalism
what would happen if new sources of control began to emerge that had little or no competition? And what if new means of control were developed that were far more powerful – and far more invisible – than any that have existed in the past? And what if new types of control allowed a handful of people to exert enormous influence not just over the citizens of the US but over most of the people on Earth?
It might surprise you to hear this, but these things have already happened
- ¶11, retrieved 2019.01.29
- randomised, controlled experiments tell us over and over again that when higher-ranked items connect with web pages that favour one candidate, this has a dramatic impact on the opinions of undecided voters, in large part for the simple reason that people tend to click only on higher-ranked items. This is truly scary
- ¶25, retrieved 2019.01.29
- search engines are influencing far more than what people buy and whom they vote for. We now have evidence suggesting that on virtually all issues where people are initially undecided, search rankings are impacting almost every decision that people make
- ¶44, retrieved 2019.01.29
"Our findings contribute to an improved understanding of the effects personalisation has and proposes several lines of interpretation of the quantitative data. Based on this, we conclude that more research is urgently needed to develop a wider understanding of the social and cultural implications of personalisation of Web search in people’s everyday life (Introduction, ¶6).
tags: Google personalization research search engines semantic capitalism
Yes, your syllabus is way too long (Deans, 2019)
Deans, Tom. (2019.01.20). Yes, your syllabus is way too long [weblog post]. Retrieved from https://www.chronicle.com/article/Yes-Your-Syllabus-Is-Way-Too/245514
tags: course development course management systems education syllabuses teaching practices tertiary
Sunday, January 27, 2019
Diigo bookmarks (weekly)
How to Use Oral Presentations to Help English Language Learners Succeed | MindShift | KQED News
tags: activities active listening Ferlazzo guidelines groups presentations public speaking skills tips
Of OER and Platforms: Five Years Later
tags: access OERs open education textbooks publishing
- if there’s no platform that provides immediate feedback to students and frees up faculty for more engaging uses of their time, there will be no OER adoption
- the bigger need to create platforms that can deliver OER in a way that faculty members who have used modern publisher systems will be willing to adopt
- other serious platform needs – like platforms for the collaborative development of OER and open assessments (assessments are the lifeblood of this new generation of platforms), where faculty and students can work together to create and update the core materials that support learning in our institutions
OER adoptions, awareness continue to grow, but many faculty members still hold out
Sunday, January 13, 2019
Diigo bookmarks (weekly)
Sunscreen: "Worse than Climate Change" — PARLEY
"Most sunscreens contain non-biodegradable ingredients and harmful chemicals. Some of the worst are oxybenzone, octinoxate and triclosan" (Step 1: Read Labels, ¶1).
tags: carcinogens climate change chemicals coral ecology ecosystems environmental awareness environmental protection pollution toxicity UV
Remote Workers Are Outperforming Office Workers--Here's Why | Inc.com
"Despite the distance, remote workers make the best teammates. This is because that distance demands more communication. Without being able to lean on physical proximity, remote workers must reach out to one another frequently and with purpose. This leads to stronger collaboration and camaraderie" (2. Teamwork, ¶1. 2017.10.30).