The publication game: How to write an academic article | Times Higher Education (THE)
Why aren't kids being taught to read? | Hard Words | APM Reports
"We are not born wired to read" (Hanford, 2018.09.10).
Sunday, November 11, 2018
Diigo bookmarks (weekly)
Friday, November 09, 2018
How to green the world's deserts and reverse climate change | Allan Savory
Sunday, November 04, 2018
Diigo bookmarks (weekly)
"This Occasional Paper is designed to identify practices and resources to support the successful development and implementation of team-taught courses. We first identify a range of team teaching models and highlight some of their key features. We then turn to common challenges and key strategies for mitigating these challenges. Finally, we provide two resources for teaching teams: a planning questionnaire in Appendix A and a set of strategies for evaluating the success of team-taught courses..." (p. 2).
tags: collaboration coordination education facilitation implementation models resources strategies teaching team-teaching universities
"This toolkit brings suggestions and resources for educators who want to utilize new technology-based resources to help their EL students gain proficiency in English and meet academic goals. The toolkit offers five guiding principles for educators to apply in exploring new ways of working with and supporting EL students through technology" (press release, 2018.10.22, ¶3
tags: education educational technology ELLs learning press releases resources teacher development toolkits U.S. Department of Education
Jackson, C. Kirabo. (2018). What Do Test Scores Miss? The Importance of Teacher Effects on Non–Test Score Outcomes. Journal of Political Economy, 126(5).
tags: assessments behaviors teaching teacher development test scores
- The fact that teacher impacts on behavior are much stronger predictors of their impact on longer-run outcomes than test-score impacts, and that teacher impacts on test scores and those on behavior are largely unrelated, means that the lion’s share of truly excellent teachers—those who improve long-run outcomes—will not be identified using test-score value-added alone
- Impact on High-School Success, ¶4