Tuesday, February 24, 2009

TinyChat: Micro Review

Thanks to Andrew Jeppesen for pointing out the TinyChat.com service to the Resources for Languages Group at Diigo. An associated TinyChat blog with only one post so far suggests that the service is brand new (Updates updates updates, 2009.02.18). Although a comment on the blog's About page suggests that there are some bugs getting messages going two ways (rwghezzi, 2009.02.19), it seems easy enough to start using; ... registration is unnecessary.

The Options include various ways of capturing chat logs before you leave them.

You can also get badge or widget codes for use on websites and forums. However, those widgets would have a limited shelf-live since the chats are temporary, a point the Terms of Services and the confirm departure dialog box (below) make amply clear.

For more about features see Girish's post, Group chat utility (2009.02.23).
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Friday, February 13, 2009

Pageflakes for Educators

Check out this SlideShare presentation by Gladys Baya, with an embedded YouTube video (below). It introduces RSS feeds and a tool for aggregating them, Pageflakes.

Vance Stevens, who moderated an Elluminate Live! session for a TESOL workshop in which Gladys gave the presentation, has made a recording of the session available with a TinyURL. Thanks, Vance!

Thanks, too, to Gladys for publicizing this all in a blog post, Pageflakes for Educators (2009.02.10), in which she also notes recent concerns regarding the stability and viability of Pageflakes.

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